Rafiki Mwema & Kenyan Kindness Dolls

Rafiki Mwema (means loyal friend) helps vulnerable children who are victims of sexual abuse in Kenya. Their mission is to provide a therapeutic safe house for badly abused girls to help them make sense of what they have been through. They provide support through medical treatments, the court system & therapy, with the ultimate goal of returning them to a safe & loving environment when they are ready. Please take the time to read their stories, stories we could only ever imagine.  
Nana Huchy has been following & admiring the incredible work achieved by Anne-Marie Tipper, Sarah Rosborg & Rafiki Team for years & decided to put up their hand to help raise much needed funds for them!!

For every Kenyan Kindness Doll ordered online, we donated $10 directly to Rafiki Mwema. As at November 2023 our community has help us donate $4000.

Purchase with a purpose.



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