Comfort Toys - The Back Up

All parents are familiar with the evening count down.  You put your child in the bath with that first whisper of Netflix on your mind. PJ’s on & you can almost taste that glass of wine. As you tuck them in you’re already fantasising about all the things you’ll share with your partner in the sacred hour or two you have together before passing out amongst unfolded washing. But then disaster strikes.

Worst case scenario.

The unimaginable.

Emergency situation: you can’t find your child’s favourite soft toy.

Don’t despair! I have a simple solution for you: The Back Up.

There’s heaps of reasons to keep a spare of your child’s favourite comfort toy. Firstly, the bedtime scenario mentioned above (when the toy may actually be in Toy Heaven). Or (and no-one’s sure exactly how this happens) sometimes children’s toys become sticky and damp and mysteriously yoghurty. So when this happens (at least once a week) you can easily give it a wash and substitute with the spare while it’s washing, or if it’s not dry in time for bed. Same goes for if it’s left at Grandma’s, or you’re already on the plane when you realise Bunny's back at the hotel.

You’d be surprised how often people come back to Nana Huchy looking to replace a missing toy. My main piece of advice, as a Mum, is to not wait until soft toys are lost to go urgently searching for an imposter toy! Children have a special relationship with their snuggly ones- and suddenly introducing a brand new one with a different smell won’t cut it. We suggest getting the back-up toy in rotation as soon as you can.

Our soft toys often become favourites: that’s why we have the same ones in our collection for years & years. Some long time favourites are Bonnie & Bella Bunnies and Sophie the Sheep. If you’re looking to introduce a favourite toy to a special little person, some of our new friends destined to become favourites are Sammy the Sheep, Bill the Duck, Herbie the Horse & Camilla the Camel. There’s just something about farm friends that make little people feel at home.

Have you ever past a thread-bare toy sitting on a fence in the street & hoped that whoever dropped it had another one to cuddle that night? It’s heart breaking to imagine their distress at losing a special settling friend. I promise you I’m only thinking of the child. This has nothing to do with Netflix.

Love Lucy xx

P.S. If the penny just dropped & you need to order a back up from our collection of Comforters or Soft Toys, treat yourself & enter Coupon Code* BACKUP at the checkout for 10% Off soft toys & comforters.
(*Coupon Code valid for items in the Soft Toy and Comforter collections, for orders $50+)

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